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How to Choose a Water Well Drilling Company

One of the most important decisions you’ll make for your property is how to get access to clean water. You may be surprised to learn that more than 15% of the U.S. population gets their drinking water from private water wells with well pumps. While it may sound like a simple task, finding and selecting the right well drilling services contractor can be quite challenging. Here are some tips to help.

1. Get Recommendations from People You Can Trust

Talk to your neighbors or anyone else who has water well about the company they used. They’ll be able to tell you how they found their contractor, price and what they were looking for in a water well drilling company.

2. How Long Has the Company Been Drilling Wells?

Your contractor’s experience will have a lot to do with how successful they are at finding you clean water. Newer companies may not always be as good as those with several years of experience drilling water wells.

3. Does the Company Specialize in Locating and Drilling Water Wells?

Many companies that do commercial or residential wells will drill lots of them but won’t necessarily know where to find the best water supply for each well. It could take quite a bit of time and money before you go back to another boring if the first one doesn’t yield results. A company specializing in locating and drilling water wells will be more effective at finding you the best possible water.

4. What Are the Well Drilling Rates?

Well drilling rates vary by region but can also be affected by how deep you’d like to go. For example, deep wells may have a slightly higher cost. It’s important to know what you can afford to pay, so ask for an estimate as early as possible in the process.

5. Make Sure They Are Licensed and Insured

This is extremely important. Not only will it protect you in the event of an accident, but it’s also necessary to comply with local regulations. Any reputable company should be able to show you their state licenses and insurance certificates.

6. Get Everything in Writing

It’s very important to make sure the well drilling company you hire will do all of the work they promise. Get it all in writing, so there are no misunderstandings later on.

Every year, about 500,000 new residential wells are constructed every year according to the NGWA. This process involves over 18,000 drilling machines and over 8,000 groundwater contracting firms. Choosing a water well drilling company is an important and necessary decision for many people. It’s best to spend some time finding the right contractor to do the job, so you’re sure your well will be completed to your satisfaction.